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Laura Sarah Dowdall, dancer and Yoga and Wellbeing expert. Expression of the body through movement is the quickest way to emotional health. Easy ways to destress and release emotion through movement.
Emotional Health

The Express Way to Emotional Health

Expression of the body through movement is the quickest way to emotional health. Caring for our Emotional Health is a skill seldom taught- explored mostly through art and therapeutic practices, sometimes through words, and rarely through the body. Feeling and

Meditation for Kids. Parent Child Family Workshop Healing Yoga Dublin

Meditation for Children

Kids are natural meditators with an innate instinct for self-care. When kids are encouraged to nurture their ability to be present they can develop a foundation for wellbeing that will serve them for life! Meditation for Kids is engaging, imaginative,


Meditation- Waking up to Life!

It may take old age, illness, or the death of a close family member to bring us to consider our own mortality. Death can shake us into a stark presence that awakens us to what matters most. Death is a

Healing Pain through awareness. how-pain-gives-access-to-healing

Body First – How pain gives access to healing.

We express our need for head-space but how often do we feel the need for body-space. Like the mind, the body needs time to decompress, express, process, and heal any emotion, pain, or memory it is holding.  Doing a somatic

yoga for the spine

Yoga for the Spine

A healthy spine not only equals fluidity and flexibility in the body, it also is linked to longevity, dexterity, and vitality. Yoga for the Spine aids a whole body detox, cleanse, release and realignment. Here is an extract from the


Manifesting New Intentions

Certain times of the year are associated with setting new intentions – the new year, a new season, a birthday, or a special moon. February marks the beginning of Spring with the Celtic holiday of Imbolc beginning from sundown today

vitality yoga retreats in ireland

Yoga Retreats in Ireland

Vitality Yoga retreats are unique to Ireland, they offer a specialist blend of wellness experiences they offer focused on whole-person wellbeing through movement and meditation, as Positive Life Magazine shares in the article below. As the evenings slowly lengthen and


Body Wisdom

Today I felt provoked by a situation that made me feel annoyed and frustrated. I realized how I was feeling but continued to motor ahead with my tasks regardless of what I was feeling. Then I caught myself and realized

manifesting new intentions

Manifesting Intentions: Positive Potential

When we reflect on the past year or season … we may think- next time, I’ll do it differently, I’ll take more time for myself,  I’ll do more, I’ll do less … Instead separate the past from your present and

meditation for selfcare

Ten Minute Meditation: Simple Self-Care

It’s easy to delay or even forget our own needs in the busy-ness of everyday life. To care for our mental health we need to make space for self-care even if it is just ten minutes a day. We need

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