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Fresh Start this 2024!

Beautiful Soul, Warm wishes to you for 2024!✨An energy update & new events starting tonight!! This February we will enter a new 20-year cycle that provides us with an opportunity for a completely fresh start! The energy / mindset with


How to Stay Youthful, Fresh and Vibrant at any Age!

Movement when done with awareness keeps us youthful, vibrant, refreshed and inspired! When done with somatic awareness we encourage our brain to work through movement patterns that regain dexterity, coordination and ease within our musculoskeletal system. With curiosity and an


Neurological Ease – Somatic Movement

How does a drop more harmony, ease, and calm sound? We all deserve to feel more of these qualities in our life. Thankfully, there are some practical ways we can embed them into our everyday experience! You are invited to

Ancestral Healing

Ancestral Healing – Threads to the Past

Have you ever been overcome with an emotion, but you have no idea why? Have you ever felt so connected to a person or impacted by a situation, but you couldn’t give it any reason or logic? We all carry

Yoga Classes

Somatic Bliss!

These classes will release tension, stress, pain and anxiety and restore harmony, ease, and balance,  We all deserve to feel more of these qualities in our life. Thankfully, there are some practical ways we can embed them into our everyday experience!

Yoga Classes

Yoga Flow

Empower and Inspire your physical, mental, and emotional health with a new 4-week yoga series!

shake off stress with new dance for wellbeing class with healingyoga

Shake it Off!

Tomorrow marks a shift in to Spring! A time of new ideas and fresh energy emerging. January can be a hard month, when we don’t have a global pandemic weighing on our minds and hearts. So I hope to offer

How to manage Overwhelm and Anxiety

How to manage Overwhelm & Anxiety

Overwhelm is an emotional state created by seemingly endless, demands, worries and responsibilities. Typically, a person is more likely to feel overwhelmed by negative emotions (anger, fear, anxiety, or guilt). You feel suppressed by thoughts and emotions that override your ability to feel present, effective and clear.

Laura Sarah Dowdall, dancer and Yoga and Wellbeing expert. Expression of the body through movement is the quickest way to emotional health. Easy ways to destress and release emotion through movement.
Emotional Health

The Express Way to Emotional Health

Expression of the body through movement is the quickest way to emotional health. Caring for our Emotional Health is a skill seldom taught- explored mostly through art and therapeutic practices, sometimes through words, and rarely through the body. Feeling and

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