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Neurological Ease – Somatic Movement

How does a drop more harmony, ease, and calm sound? We all deserve to feel more of these qualities in our life. Thankfully, there are some practical ways we can embed them into our everyday experience! You are invited to

Yoga Classes

Somatic Bliss!

These classes will release tension, stress, pain and anxiety and restore harmony, ease, and balance,  We all deserve to feel more of these qualities in our life. Thankfully, there are some practical ways we can embed them into our everyday experience!

Yoga Classes

Yoga Flow

Empower and Inspire your physical, mental, and emotional health with a new 4-week yoga series!

shake off stress with new dance for wellbeing class with healingyoga

Shake it Off!

Tomorrow marks a shift in to Spring! A time of new ideas and fresh energy emerging. January can be a hard month, when we don’t have a global pandemic weighing on our minds and hearts. So I hope to offer

Laura Sarah Dowdall, dancer and Yoga and Wellbeing expert. Expression of the body through movement is the quickest way to emotional health. Easy ways to destress and release emotion through movement.
Emotional Health

The Express Way to Emotional Health

Expression of the body through movement is the quickest way to emotional health. Caring for our Emotional Health is a skill seldom taught- explored mostly through art and therapeutic practices, sometimes through words, and rarely through the body. Feeling and

Emotional health for wellbeing

Emotional Health- Tears and Fears

Better out than in– is wise advice! When we hold back or suppress our emotion, itseeps through the pores of our sub-conscious at a later stage, surprising us at a time when a big reaction may not seem so justified.

yoga for the spine

Yoga for the Spine

A healthy spine not only equals fluidity and flexibility in the body, it also is linked to longevity, dexterity, and vitality. Yoga for the Spine aids a whole body detox, cleanse, release and realignment. Here is an extract from the


Manifesting New Intentions

Certain times of the year are associated with setting new intentions – the new year, a new season, a birthday, or a special moon. February marks the beginning of Spring with the Celtic holiday of Imbolc beginning from sundown today

yoga for kids and creative wellbeing
Kids Yoga

Yoga for Kids: Creative Wellbeing

Creative Wellbeing for Children- Dance, Yoga & Mindfulness for boys & girls Creative Wellbeing encourages self-expression, emotional intelligence, body awareness, good posture, co-ordination, positive attitude and self-confidence. As a life coach, holistic therapist, yoga teacher and professional dancer- Laura integrates the

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