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Fresh Start this 2024!

Beautiful Soul, Warm wishes to you for 2024!✨An energy update & new events starting tonight!! This February we will enter a new 20-year cycle that provides us with an opportunity for a completely fresh start! The energy / mindset with

vitality yoga retreats in ireland

Yoga Retreats in Ireland

Vitality Yoga retreats are unique to Ireland, they offer a specialist blend of wellness experiences they offer focused on whole-person wellbeing through movement and meditation, as Positive Life Magazine shares in the article below. As the evenings slowly lengthen and

manifesting new intentions

Manifesting Intentions: Positive Potential

When we reflect on the past year or season … we may think- next time, I’ll do it differently, I’ll take more time for myself,  I’ll do more, I’ll do less … Instead separate the past from your present and

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