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Follow your heart. How to choose between heart and head.

How to Follow Your Heart!

Our Heart and our Head can differ in most matters. Our head and our heart can work together to better inform our decisions and direction in life. So, how can we genuinely follow our heart? When we let the heart

Laura Sarah Dowdall, dancer and Yoga and Wellbeing expert. Expression of the body through movement is the quickest way to emotional health. Easy ways to destress and release emotion through movement.
Emotional Health

The Express Way to Emotional Health

Expression of the body through movement is the quickest way to emotional health. Caring for our Emotional Health is a skill seldom taught- explored mostly through art and therapeutic practices, sometimes through words, and rarely through the body. Feeling and


Body Wisdom

Today I felt provoked by a situation that made me feel annoyed and frustrated. I realized how I was feeling but continued to motor ahead with my tasks regardless of what I was feeling. Then I caught myself and realized

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